Ideal Start for «Astana Zhastar»

06.11.2023, 18:00    Views: 753
Source: Press service
The first round of the Kazakhstan U-23 Cup has ended in Pavlodar, featuring the participation of our club's third team, «Astana Zhastar.» The tournament's list of participants also includes «Alatau Farm,» «Aqtobe Farm,» «Barsy Atyrau Farm,» «Ertis Farm,» «Almaty Legion M,» and «Tobol Junior.»

The roster for Anton Ponomarev's team in this stage of the competition was as follows: Shyndos Zhumabay, Bohdan Boyko, Ilya Pestov, Askar Serimbet, Mukhammedali Sairanov, Pavel Sonnov, Arsen Talgatov, Mukhammedrasul Duysenbai, Nurmuhammed Adilbek, Adilet Abzaliev, Abylaykhan Zhandarbek, and Petr Lonshakov.

«Zhastar» won all five matches in the first round, defeating «Alatau Farm» (85:47), «Barsy Atyrau Farm» (87:29), «Tobyl Junior» (89:57), «Aktobe Farm» (78:73), and «Almaty Legion M» (86:62).

Some players on the team are currently leading the tournament in statistics. For instance, Bohdan Boyko has the best three-point shooting percentage (50%, 6/12), Askar Serimbet has delivered 26 assists, and Ilya Pestov has blocked 7 shots.

Now, the leaders of the tournament table will return from Pavlodar to Astana for a month. 
The second round of the competition will start on December 3.

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